Season opener done and dusted! 

The sun was finally out for NSWSKC Championship Round 1 sponsored by ACC Block Brick n Pools 
Results today are:
1st - Logan Carter
2nd - Seth Reed
3rd - Jackson Debono
Feature winner - Logan Carter
1st - Bailey Carter
2nd - Brodie Debono
3rd - Dylan Kelly
Feature Winner - Blaxx Caton
1st - Leah Kelly
2nd - Nate Hughes
3rd - Breanna Wheeler
Feature Winner - Leah Kelly
KT Light:
1st - William Millerd-Stevens
2nd - Brad Cunneen
3rd - Joel Buettel
Feature Winner - Brad Cunneen
KT Heavy:
1st - Andrew Walkerden
2nd - Courtney Dormer
Feature Winner - Andrew Walkerden
Pro Standard 125 Light:
1st - Tim Bevan
Pro Open 125 Light:
1st - Matt Reed
2nd - Darren Gosnell
3rd - Kyle Mock
Feature Winner - Matt Reed
Pro Open 125 Heavy:
1st - Andrew Woods
2nd - Glen Tye
Feature Winner - Andrew Woods
Encouragement Award:
Aiden Cox
Thanks again to ACC Block Brick Block N Pools for sponsoring the round. 

And to all our volunteers without you we cannot run.
Look forward to seeing you all on the 2nd May for Round 2 sponsored by J&D Custom Cabinetry.