NSWSKC - Annual General Meeting - 2020
NOTICE OF NSW Speedway Kart Club Inc AGM
In accordance with the constitution of the NSW Speedway Kart Club Inc., nominations are called for the various positions required to ensure the prosperity and management of the NSW Speedway Kart Club in 2021.
Nomination Forms are required to be signed by the person nominating, and by the person accepting the nominated for the position.
The completed nomination forms must be received by the Club Secretary minimum 7 days prior to the AGM to be held on the 29th of November 2020 at the Nepean Speedway – in conjunction with the 2020 Presentation day
Completed nomination forms can be emailed to nswskcsecretary@gmail.com or posted to the NSWSKC Secretary Kay Green 3 Netherton Ave St Clair 2759
In the event of only one nomination for a particular position then that person is deemed elected unopposed.
Should there be no written nomination received by the due date then nominations may be received from the members in attendance at the AGM.
Please note: to nominate for an Executive or Committee position you must have been a financial member for at least 6 months and you must also be over 18.
Positions to be filled:
· President
· Vice President
· Secretary
· Treasurer
· General Committee Members
The AGM is also the opportunity to update and discuss the rules for the 2021 racing year. If you have any thoughts or requeted changes you need to submit these in writing to the NSW Speedway Kart Club secertary 7 days before the meeting so they can been discussed.
NSWSKC - 2020 Committee